
Interested in Science 🔬? Technology 👩‍💻? Engineering ⚙️? Mathematics 📐?

What is STEM?

STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics! These fields of study are often perceived for male, but there are more and more women studying these fields! In this article, you'll discover some intersting projects these fields offer!


Games 🎮

Game Designer

Produce a game by conceptualizing game storylines, environments, levels, character interactions, and many other aspects.

Gameplay Programmer

Make a fun game by coding the rules govering interactions of different objets.

3D Animator

Create a virtual world by animating images and forms.

Project Manager

Design plans for reaching goals and ensuring product quality.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) 🤖

Do you like robots? How to simulate human intelligence? How does Siri work? Artificial Intelligence is a branch part of computer science.

Machine Learning Researchers

Interpret data and build machine learning models using various algorithms.

AI Engineer

Create machines capable of reasoning like human brain by developing intelligent algorithms responsible for learning, analysing and predicting future events.

Data Mining and Analysis

Extract and discover patterns in large data pools using machine learning, statistics, and database systems.

Cloning 🐑

Molecular Biologist

Understand the underlying molecular basis (including DNA modification and transcription) of biological activity of the cells.

Epigenetic Scientist

Study how gene expression and activity can be altered by various envrionmental and behavior factors (without changes in DNA sequence).


Apply biology and epigenetic knowledge to create and modify biological systems, generating clones from the parent cell.